Welcome to Dyad Learning, where we’re committed to providing students with complex medical conditions the academic support they need to succeed.

Founding Story

My time in high school was difficult. In January 2022, midway through my sophomore year, I was rushed from my boarding school, The Hotchkiss School, to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and subsequently diagnosed with Guillain Barré Syndrome, an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system damages its own nerves. Following a three-month period of intensive physical therapy and IV treatments at home in Michigan, I returned to Hotchkiss months behind in all my classes.

Seeing how far behind I was, my closest friends and the Hotchkiss community rallied around me to help me catch up and finish the school year. Despite countless relapses, students and teachers alike donated their time and energy to help me persevere and chase after my passions.

Dyad Learning’s mission is to provide every student living with a complex medical condition the level of academic care and support necessary to continue their academic journey. At its core, Dyad Learning is committed to ensuring that no child ever sees an illness or diagnosis as an obstacle to their future.

Dyad Learning was built by people whose never ceased to believe in my ability or my strength. Thank you to my family, friends, and teachers for never giving up on me.

- Meilan Antonucci


At Dyad Learning, we embrace the difficulty of learning. Struggle and failure are integral components of the learning process, and our mission isn’t to shield individuals from these experiences. Rather, Learning Forward’s purpose is to connect students currently facing challenges with people ready to share the ways they overcame similar problems throughout their educational journey.


Students shouldn’t have to choose between giving back to others and furthering their personal goals. Tutoring volunteers learn valuable interpersonal skills during their time tutoring to prepare them for college and graduate schools. In exchange for their time, Dyad Learning provides volunteers with compensation of up to $25 per hour. These funds can be used for purchasing technology or books, or allocated towards repaying student debt.


We hold a firm belief that non-profit organizations have a duty to utilize their contributions with utmost efficiency and ethical integrity. Funds designated for student tutoring should remain dedicated to that purpose, rather than being diverted towards salaries, donor events, or miscellaneous costs. When you choose to support Dyad Learning, you'll encounter a markedly different experience than other non-profits. Through your donor account, you'll have the ability to track precisely how your contributions are being utilized. Every cent collected by Dyad Learning is meticulously recorded in our organizational checkbook, ensuring complete accountability and transparency. If they wish, donors may choose to opt-into our donor voting program, which allows donors to directly influence the aim and future of Dyad Learning

Organizational Checkbook

Like any non-profit, Dyad Learning has costs necessary to the organization. To find out what these costs are and learn more about how we deal with expense checkbooks, visit our checkbook dedicated to recording and tracking each and every transaction.

DL Model

The financial and organizational structure of Learning Forward allows for 100% of donations to go directly towards charity. Watch videos by our founder to learn more about how the LF Model works.