Why Tutor?

  • Learn

    Tutors learn just as much as those being tutored. Being a tutor helps develop communication skills, time management, patience, empathy and leadership. Dyad Learning helps tutors grow the skills they will need for college, graduate school, and the workforce.

  • Earn

    Students shouldn’t have to choose between helping the community and earning money for college. Dyad Learning grants its tutors a 'merit' scholarship, paying $25 per hour tutored during high school or college. These scholarships ensure tutors can dedicate their time to helping others without worrying about losing funds needed for further education.

  • Community

    Good members of a community recognize when others need help and finds ways to help them. By becoming a tutor, you are giving your time to a program that is constantly improving access to education for students from a variety of backgrounds.

Application Process

  • Step One - Questionnaire

    All prospective tutors must fill out an online application. The application is designed for Learning Forward to get a general overview of you and asks for basic information. Shortly afterwards an email will be sent to learn more about you.

  • Step Two - Interview

    Shortly after completing the questionnaire, Learning Forward will contact you to schedule an interview. The interview will be conducted by a current tutor or tutor supervisor. The purpose of the interview is to assess your soft skills and ensure you are ready to become a tutor.

  • Step Three - Final Decision

    After the questionnaire and interview, Learning Forward will make a decision about your application based on the need for tutors and available tutoring funds. If there is not a need for tutors when you apply, we will place you on a waitlist and contact you at a later time.